_Social Development Accord
The Te Hiku Crown Social Development and Wellbeing Accord sets out how the Te Hiku Iwi and the Crown will collaborate and work together to advance the social circumstances of the Te Hiku whānau, hapū and Iwi and the wider community. In particular, the Accord will be implemented through multi level engagement between Te Hiku Iwi and the Crown including: • an annual Te Hiku Iwi-Crown taumata rangatira hui between the Ministers who have signed the Accord or whose departments have portfolio agreements and Te Hiku Iwi representatives; • regular Crown-Te Hiku Iwi operational level engagement through Te Kāhui Tiaki Whānau (a twice-yearly forum) and related Kaupapa Cluster meetings (ongoing engagement in relation to particular kaupapa/specific areas of work); and • an evaluation and planning process to assess progress, design and implement strategies to achieve the shared outcomes for the Accord. |
_The Accord involves eleven agencies including the Ministry of Social
Development, Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Education, the Department
of Labour, the Department of Building and Housing, New Zealand Police,
the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Justice, the
Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Corrections and
Statistics New Zealand. The Crown is providing a one-off contribution of
$812K to each participating Iwi towards the implementation of the
Accord. The Accord will enable the government and the Iwi to address
pressing socio-economic issues in what is one of the most impoverished
areas of the country.