The mandated Te Rarawa negotiators have reached a point where they feel that the settlement offer from the Crown acknowledges and addresses Te Rarawa’s grievances. On the 3rd of November 2011 they initialled a Deed of Settlement which has cleared the way for the offer to be presented to whānau for consideration. This process is called ratification. The term ratification means getting formal approval or support. On this website you will find an outline of the proposed settlement offer and the proposal for how it will be managed after settlement. The organisation that will manage the settlement is referred to as the post-settlement governance entity (PSGE). There will be a series of hui held across the rohe of Te Rarawa and around the country to explain the Treaty settlement offer and the proposed post-settlement governance entity. You will then be asked to vote on two resolutions, firstly whether you accept the Treaty settlement offer or not, and secondly if you support the proposed post settlement governance entity. This website and the hui are designed to provide you with necessary information so that you can make an informed decision before you cast your vote on these two resolutions. Summaries of the initialled Deed of Settlement and post settlement governance entity proposal are included on this website. It also includes the Historical Account, Crown acknowledgements and apology, an overview of the strategic direction that Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa is taking, and the Anga Whakamua process that is currently underway to prepare for settlement. Please read and consider this information before casting your vote. The full Deed, which is more than 700 pages, can be accessed on the website. _
You will be asked to vote on two resolutions • I accept the proposed Deed of Settlement for Te Rarawa. • I accept Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa as the Post Settlement Governance Entity to receive and manage the Treaty settlement on behalf of Te Rarawa. Recommendation Te Rarawa’s Negotiation Team and Rūnanga trustees strongly recommend that Iwi members vote to support the proposed Treaty settlement offer and agree that Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa should receive and manage the Treaty settlement assets on behalf of the Iwi for the following reasons: • The settlement offer affirms kaitiakitanga of hapū and marae and is a solid foundation upon which we can build and grow our Iwi. • The settlement offer provides for the development of a series of Treaty based relationships which will enhance Te Rarawa mana and kaitiakitanga in the future. • The proposed PSGE provides a robust governance framework capable of meeting the needs and aspirations of the Iwi going forward and securing the future economic independence of Te Rarawa. The Te Rarawa Negotiations Team urges you to take the opportunity to read the information provided in this document and become actively involved in the future of your Iwi. You will then be well informed to make the decisions that will affect your future as a member of Te Rarawa. |
Downloads / Links:
Settlement Offer Proposed Governance How to Vote Iwi Membership Ratification Book |