Anga Whakamua
Our future
Tirohanga whānui: Vision and Mission Vision Ko nga whanau o Te Rarawa, kei te tukaha ki to ratou tuakiri tangata, kei te piri pumau ki to ratou marae, kei te mau tonu te manawa ki nga mahi awhina. Te Rarawa whanau strong in their identity, active with their marae, and making a contribution. Mission Ko nga tatai anga mua o Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, he atawhai i te hunga kai arahi, mo te whakatupunga o te hapu, me te oranga o te whanau The mission of Te Runanga o Te Rarawa is to provide leadership and support to enable the hapu to develop and the whanau to flourish. |
The Runanga meets every month on the third Wednesday in Kaitaia
holding AGM and hui a iwi at a marae within the rohe. It appoints an
Executive Committee that oversees the day-to-day operations of the
Runanga. The Executive meets between monthly Runanga meetings to govern
the operations of the Runanga working with the Executive Officer. It
reports back to the Runanga each month. The Runanga employs now more
than 60 staff.
The powers of the Runanga are set out in general terms in the constitution. Its role is:
The role of the marae delegates is to:
Chairperson The Chairperson is elected at a three-yearly meeting. All marae present vote using a preferential voting system. If there are more than two candidates marae list candidates in their order of preference.
If no candidate gets a majority of votes on the first ballot the least preferred candidate drops off and the second preference of delegates is tallied.
The election is complete when a candidate has more than half of the votes. This way the elected candidates have the support of the majority of the marae and the possibility of split voting is eliminated.
Deputy Chairperson The Deputy Chairperson is appointed by the Executive Committee.
The role of the executive The Runanga has an executive that is elected from amongst the delegates for their skills and experience to oversee the day to day functioning of the Runanga operations. The role of the Executive includes the following:
The role of the Executive Officer The Runanga through its Executive appoints an Executive Officer to manage the affairs of the Runanga. The role of a CEO includes:
The powers of the Runanga are set out in general terms in the constitution. Its role is:
- to bring together the collective voice of the marae of Te Rarawa
- to provide leadership for marae and voice the concerns of the marae to Crown and local government agencies
- to put in place broad tribal policy
- to approve a long-term strategy that will drive annual operating priorities
- to monitor operational outputs and long term outcomes
- to communicate with the marae
- to provide a regular forum for grass roots concerns of the iwi to be heard
- to ensure that the tikanga and kaupapa of Te Rarawa are upheld at all times
- To appoint officer holders and the Executive
- to delegate appropriate matters to the Executive and Executive Officer
The role of the marae delegates is to:
- Bring forward issues of tribal importance to the Runanga
- Take kaupapa back to marae for input
- Provide leadership
- Represent the marae in Runanga decision-making
Chairperson The Chairperson is elected at a three-yearly meeting. All marae present vote using a preferential voting system. If there are more than two candidates marae list candidates in their order of preference.
If no candidate gets a majority of votes on the first ballot the least preferred candidate drops off and the second preference of delegates is tallied.
The election is complete when a candidate has more than half of the votes. This way the elected candidates have the support of the majority of the marae and the possibility of split voting is eliminated.
Deputy Chairperson The Deputy Chairperson is appointed by the Executive Committee.
The role of the executive The Runanga has an executive that is elected from amongst the delegates for their skills and experience to oversee the day to day functioning of the Runanga operations. The role of the Executive includes the following:
- Recruitment of a Chief Executive Officer for the Runanga
- Appointment of the Deputy Chairperson
- Provision of direction and leadership to the CEO and the management team
- To carry out the wishes of the Runanga and undertake the roles delegated
- Oversight of the development of iwi strategy and planning to ensure it is consistent with Runanga aspirations
- Ensuring that Runanga affairs are managed in accordance with iwi policy
- Oversight of financial planning and financial performance
- Identification and prioritisation of issues to put to the Runanga for debate or decision
The role of the Executive Officer The Runanga through its Executive appoints an Executive Officer to manage the affairs of the Runanga. The role of a CEO includes:
- Implementation of the Runanga annual and long term plans
- Recruitment of staff
- Development of new business opportunities
- Financial accountability
- Servicing the Executive
- Servicing the Runanga